There are many people I'd like to thank for their help during this process! My friends and family mainly for helping me make the decision to help the patient, and pick a process - I don't know how many times they heard the pros and cons of each of the process, they've probably made a decision themselves too!
Without my degree and learning about bone marrow and leukaemia, I think the decision to say yes would have been much harder and would have probably taken longer, so thank you to my lectures who taught me about bone marrow and definitely made sure I knew about bone marrow before all of this!
To the patient, whomever and wherever you may be, thank you for letting me help you! I hope this donation changes your life as much as helping you has changed mine.
Without my degree and learning about bone marrow and leukaemia, I think the decision to say yes would have been much harder and would have probably taken longer, so thank you to my lectures who taught me about bone marrow and definitely made sure I knew about bone marrow before all of this!
To the patient, whomever and wherever you may be, thank you for letting me help you! I hope this donation changes your life as much as helping you has changed mine.
But, my biggest thanks go to Welsh Blood Service. It's pretty obvious that without them this wouldn't have happened, but they were amazing! Every email and phone call I ever made was answered very quickly, all my questions answered! There were date issues, date changes and the whole process was very smooth! They organised all my blood tests and medical checks and informed me of anything I needed to do! Even though I felt as if I should have said yes, because of the nature of the patient etc, but I never felt that I couldn't say no. I'm sure they will continue to support me in the future!
They run a very well organised ship!
Mae yna lawer o bobl dwi eisiau diolch - ffrinidau a theulu yn bennaf am helpu fi wneud y penderfyniad o ddweud ie, a'r penderfyniad o ba broses. Dwi'n siwr bod rhai ohonoch wedi penderfynu ar ba broses byse chi'n dewis hefyd!
Mae fy niolchiadau mwyaf yn mynd i Wasanaeth Gwaeth Cymru. Mae'n mynd heb ddweud y bysai hin heb ddigwydd heb eu gwaith, ond roeddent yn arbennig! Pob ebost, galwad ffon wedi'u hateb yn gyflym, job cwestiwn wedi eu hateb yn ffantastig! Roedd yna broblemau gyda dyddiadau, newidiadau dyddiadau ac roedd y broses yn llyfn iawn, roedd pobl prawf gwaed neu feddygol wedi'u trefnu heb drafferth! Nes i fyth teimlo na allwn ni dynnu allan o'r broses, ac mae Gwasanaeth Gwaed Cymru i'w diolch am hynny, ac rwy'n siwr y gnewn rhoi cymorth yn y dyfodol.
They run a very well organised ship!
Mae yna lawer o bobl dwi eisiau diolch - ffrinidau a theulu yn bennaf am helpu fi wneud y penderfyniad o ddweud ie, a'r penderfyniad o ba broses. Dwi'n siwr bod rhai ohonoch wedi penderfynu ar ba broses byse chi'n dewis hefyd!
Mae fy niolchiadau mwyaf yn mynd i Wasanaeth Gwaeth Cymru. Mae'n mynd heb ddweud y bysai hin heb ddigwydd heb eu gwaith, ond roeddent yn arbennig! Pob ebost, galwad ffon wedi'u hateb yn gyflym, job cwestiwn wedi eu hateb yn ffantastig! Roedd yna broblemau gyda dyddiadau, newidiadau dyddiadau ac roedd y broses yn llyfn iawn, roedd pobl prawf gwaed neu feddygol wedi'u trefnu heb drafferth! Nes i fyth teimlo na allwn ni dynnu allan o'r broses, ac mae Gwasanaeth Gwaed Cymru i'w diolch am hynny, ac rwy'n siwr y gnewn rhoi cymorth yn y dyfodol.
Couldn't have done this without friends and family who helped me decide to donate, decide on a process and everything in between!
Bysai hwn wedi bod yn broses llawer anoddach heb teulu a ffrinidau yn fy helpu i wneud penderfyniadau - diolch!
Bysai hwn wedi bod yn broses llawer anoddach heb teulu a ffrinidau yn fy helpu i wneud penderfyniadau - diolch!
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