Checking I'm alive and well! Ydw i'n iach?

Image result for you're a matchI received a phone call, still in bed on a Wednesday morning at university! They told me I was the best match for the patient and asked if I was still willing to go ahead! I found it quite hard knowing I was the best match, as you then find yourself in a situation where saying no is detrimental on the patient's outcome. I was the now patient's best hope of surviving.

They quickly ran through some more health questions and then arranged a meeting. This is a double meeting - two in one morning! One is to meet with a Transplant Coordinator at the Welsh Blood Service, and the other is a full Medical Check at a nearby hospital during one of their haematology outpatient clinics.

Welsh Blood Service Counselling session

My transplant coordinator was amazing! She ran through some health questionnaires, any questions I had, frequently asked questions from donors, potential dates and ones I couldn't do and everything in between.....
I would recommend taking an extra pair of ears, so you hear everything! They through lots of information at you - all essential and you want to hear it all, and some may not go in!

They tell you:
- a tiny amount about the patient (if you want to hear it)
- timescale of potential dates
- what will happen at your medical check
- what happens during the donation
- details of both processes
- forms for travel and food reimbursement
- take 8 bottles of blood to test for infectious disease markers

I didn't particularly have a preference as to which method they used, but I've never been under a general anaesthesia, and didn't quite fancy one voluntary, therefore consented to both, allowing the patients doctor to have a preference.

Image result for medical check
Medical Check 

I spent a few hours at a nearby hospital, during their haematology clinic, where a doctor checked I was basically alive and not suffering from conditions that I was unaware of! They will weigh you, ask your pregnancy status (if applicable), your general health status, smoking and drinking habits and run through a full medical examination including an ECG and Chest X Ray. They will take another 8 blood bottles to test electrolyte level, iron levels, kidney and liver function etc. They will also check that your veins are suitable for PBSC, as if not, you will have to donate via bone marrow donation. Nothing scary!

Quick tip: get ready to repeat your name, address and date of birth quite a lot during your Medical check! The total number of blood samples taken (in relation to bone marrow donation) since starting giving blood is now at 23!


Daeth y galwad ffôn tra mod i dal yn gwely un bore Mercher, a wnaeth rhywun ddeud taw fi oedd y rhoddwr ar gyfer y claf. Roedd yn eithaf anodd gwybod os bysai'n deud na nawr, neu'n cael fy ngwrthod oherwydd rhwybeth meddygol, bysai siawns y claf o fwy yn llai. Fi oedd y siawns orau i'r claf.

Fe ofynwyd rhai cwestiynau a threfnu cyfarfodydd - un gyda Gwasnaeth Gwaed Cymru ac un gyda meddyg, mewn ysbyty cyfagos.

Sesiwn Gwasnaeth Gwaed Cymru 

Roedd fy nghydlynydd trawsblaniad yn wych! Fe aethom ni drwy rhestr o gwestiynau iechyd, cwestiynau gen i, cwestiynau oedd yn gyffredin, dyddiadau posib a llawer mwy....! Doedd gen i ddim blaenoriaeth ar ba broses, felly nes i ganiatau i'r naill neu'r llall ddigwydd, yn gadael y dewis i feddyg y claf. Dwi yn argymell mynd gyda set arall o glustiau - nes i fynd gyda mam, oherwydd mae'n bosib anghofio rhai pethau ac wnaeth Mam ofyn rhai cwestiynau.

Prawf Meddygol 

Chydig orau yn unig oedd hwn, o fewn clinic haematoleg, ar cyfan oedd e sirchau fy mod yn fyw a ddim yn dioddef o afiechyd neu rhywbeth nad oeddwn yn ymwybodol. Ges i fy mhwyso, wnaethon nhw gwneud prawf beichiogrwydd a gofyn am statws iechyd cyffredinol fi a fy nheulu. Fe ges i fy ECG a X Ray cyntaf oedd ond i ddangos fy mod yn iechyd, a fe wnaeth y meddyg gymryd 8 botel o waed er mwyn mesur iechyd fy afu, arennau a lefelau molecylau o fewn gwaed. Dim byd rhyfedd, brawychus neu boenus!


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