Welcome! Croeso!

I'm not trying to persuade you to sell a kidney or half your liver to a patient in need of a transplant, but the ultimate aim is to raise awareness of blood cancers (leukaemia) and encourage people to join the bone marrow register to potentially save a life! Recently, I gave my bone marrow via peripheral stem cell donation and found it much simpler and less painful free than I first thought!

Dwi am godi ymwybyddiaeth am gancr y gwaed ac annog eraill i ymuno â'r gofrestr mêr esgyrn i efallai achub bywyd! Yn ddiweddar, nes i roi mêr fy esgyrn, drwy broses o'r enw 'Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Donation', oedd yn llawer haws a llai poenus nag oeddwn yn disgwyl! 
7 awr yn eistedd lawr gyda dau tiwb!
7 hours with two tubes stuck in my arms! 

Left: 150ml of my plasma. Chwith: 150ml o fy mhlasma. Right: the important bit (the bone marrow!) Dde: y celloedd pwysig! 

Important/Pwysig: I donated mine through the Welsh Blood Service, so despite probably being similar, this experience may be different to giving through DKMS or Anthony Nolan. Fe wnes i roi drwy Wasanaeth Gwaed Cymru, felly nid yw felly'n debyg i roi drwy Anthony Nolan neu DKMS, dwy wasanaeth debyg. 
